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Since no one posted anything here, I thought I would drop a comment.

First of all, bloody hell I love that cat.


Okay, so I really loved this, but I would like to control the camera :P


This comment is fair. The camera system is more flexible in the Birdman series (that you played over at GJ) but this does not satisfy everybody (some players just don't want to handle the camera at all) so I'm planning to improve on that (though probably not until chapter 6). Well did you manage to find the stag, or just the cat? Also, there are 2 completely separate environments in this chapter!

Got to the stag, but then I jumped ahead and the camera faded out.

I guess this was intentional?


Jumping ahead of the stag... ? If that means jumping into nothingness, that will kill you.

As a little tip, there's a golden looking platform halfway between the stag and cat (well closer to the cat actually); after talking to the stag and befriending the cat, a flying machine lands there and you can get a lift.

This game has a bunch of stuff for you to enjoy ; )

Nah I landed onto a platform, the character did stand, but the game screen faded and the game restarted.


Okay there's a bug and a half here as a hard landing will kill the character (which is not a bug, but the speed threshold is too low) and, when this happens, I should make sure the KO animation plays normally. I'll fix that.