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this is absolutely an issue that I had with my game too but this looks much too good for SNES, the lighting effects and UI elements are much too crisp and clean and the portraits are so attractive with such fine shading they're clearly using thousands if not millions of colors which is well beyond the 256 at a time color palette limitation the SNES had. I've been playing/replaying some old SNES roms recently and it's pretty incredible just how limiting 16 bit graphics were (also like most SNES games seem to share the same FONT which is like what, how, why?)

(I saved almost all the graphical assets I used with 8-bit color depth and tried to restrict myself to 256 colors total where possible but I still couldn't get it to look "retro" enough for my liking)

it feels strange verging on surreal to be faulting a game for looking too good of all things but it's I guess kind of the nature of the event; haven't had a chance to actually play this yet but like I said it's way up on my list.


I would agree with you on that. Thats why we stated on the game page:

The Hunter of Falkenberg was developed to comply to the technical limitations of the retro gaming console XBOX.


haha noice