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Thanks for taking the time to write such detailed feedback! 🤩

TBH, I was expecting more complaints about sizing issues since I've never distributed a LibGDX game before and I figured there were bound to be unexpected compat issues on some systems/configurations. The "flavor text" you refer to is probably the text that is supposed to appear in the lower right corner of the battle screen within the pink border (you can check out the screenshots on the game page to see what it's supposed to look like).

If you could share some of your specs with me, that'd be super helpful:

  • What OS are you running?
  • What is your desktop resolution set to?
  • What is your desktop UI scaling factor set to?

My best guess is that you're running at a desktop resolution with significantly fewer than 1000 vertical pixels, which is unfortunately a minimum requirement of the game currently. I'll likely try to accommodate smaller resolutions in the future; just need to stew a bit on where I can save on some pixels...

Good feedback on the controls. Never thought about it but using Z/X makes a ton of sense from the hands perspective. I also plan on finishing the currently half-working gamepad support~

Re: narrative, I actually didn't plan on having so much (or even any) dialog initially, but I thought it was important to set up the world a bit to establish its semi-consentual nature so the player just didn't get dropped cold turkey into "kobolds jump out of the bushes and try to rape you!!" 😅

FWIW, the "no default choice selected" was by design to prevent players from accidentally blowing past a meaningful choice if they were just mash skipping through the dialog.


Never heard of LibGDX but that name alone makes it sound hard to use D:

I'm running Windows 10, my desktop resolution is set to 1366 x 768, and I'm not certain what UI scaling is but it might be 100%. Tiny lil laptop lol. Makes sense why the game wouldn't size right, but now I'm wondering why it launched squished in the corner of all places... :thinking:

Re choices: that's fair, that's actually a really good decision, it just threw me off at first because I was expecting to be able to click the choices and I thought the game'd froze sdlfkjsdflkjsdf. The dialogue was cool too, I liked it! I envy anyone who got a game working and managed to add lots of words lolol. I don't wanna seem mean or like I'm complaining, I think this is super cool even just from the UI alone :') If I ever find myself in position of a computer with a bigger display, I'll definitely revisit this.