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Never heard of LibGDX but that name alone makes it sound hard to use D:

I'm running Windows 10, my desktop resolution is set to 1366 x 768, and I'm not certain what UI scaling is but it might be 100%. Tiny lil laptop lol. Makes sense why the game wouldn't size right, but now I'm wondering why it launched squished in the corner of all places... :thinking:

Re choices: that's fair, that's actually a really good decision, it just threw me off at first because I was expecting to be able to click the choices and I thought the game'd froze sdlfkjsdflkjsdf. The dialogue was cool too, I liked it! I envy anyone who got a game working and managed to add lots of words lolol. I don't wanna seem mean or like I'm complaining, I think this is super cool even just from the UI alone :') If I ever find myself in position of a computer with a bigger display, I'll definitely revisit this.