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Hey love your work alot! I've already written a detailed review in a sense of your feedback forum on 0.4.5, I know its not the most recent build but I think it'll help alot in the future. Otherwise not much more to say, some people won't like the fact this isn't a NSFW vn and that's completely fine! Honestly I love the gritty apocalyptic mecha feel to it, its so unique and you can tell you put alot of love into the writing. I hope this project of yours takes off in the future someday, I hope to see more work from you for this might be hands down my favorite furry vn right now if not on my top 3.


Oh, wow! Thanks! Hehe, I'm glad I'm on someone's favorite list. Yeah, as far as the NSFW stuff goes, I just don't think it's super necessary though that won't mean I won't go for some fun as you've see with shirtless Hugo. And thanks! I'm getting more support slowly so I'm growing! And you can expect the public build of 0.5. to go live very soon! My artist just has to finish the last few bits and pieces and then we're golden! Look forward to it! ^^


Yeah I won't mind the eye candy here and there hehe, and no problem my friend! I'll definitely be waiting to see what's on the horizon of this story.

Oh, by the way. I noticed your rating for the VN was a 3 star. If that's your true feelings for it I don't mind but I would like to inform you that due to how does algorithms, anything lower than 5 stars tends to be a detriment in terms of its rankings and searchability.

Please don't feel forced to do anything but if you do feel strongly about a three star, could I ask you to withdraw your rating for the time being? Sorry if I sound like a shill but algorithms are a pain LOL. Anyways, thanks for the kind words and I hope to deliver more in the future!

Oh really? no by all means I get it! I rated it so because of how I wanted to convey to potential people how it is in its current stage not the final product, but I do want this project to succeed for sure, yeah the algorithm can be iffy I get it I shouldn't of thought like this. But in my personal opinion I'd rate it 5/5.


Aw, thanks! Sorry about the bother but I hope to earn that five stars soon ^^.

Rio de Janeiro, April 11st 2021


I don't think the search work. Sometimes I write the name of some novels in Itch search and I see a piece of everything but not the novel I am lucking for.

In other way they appear in to of Google when I typed it and add itch after its name.



Ps.: I don't know how this search stuff work. But sounds weird since 3 stars is a very good rate. 0 or 1 start yes is bad. 2 stars is a nice game. With 4 it catch my deepest feelings and with 5 I would sell my mecha to buy that.Heheh