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A topic by Floofydoge created Aug 06, 2020 Views: 6,659 Replies: 7
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not sure how i go about getting scenes with everybody, find myself getting lost easily and stuck with the rat stuff could use some help thanks


Hi ! My apologies for the late response, does a weird job notifying me about topics and responses. Normally in the memories screen (accessible from the mainscreen) you can get hints of how to achieve most of the scenes available in the game so far.  
Try to think in general how things would turn out if you solved problems differently, like, if you feed Anthony satyr seed instead of a mushroom or if you are with him when the guardian tries to take him away. If you have more specific question I might be more helpful. 

Good luck !

Hii for Anthony theres 3 things you can do to him (before you help him) Touch and Inspect but i cant figure out the 3rd one T^T


Hmm good question, I think that was just smell or talk, I'm uploading an update today btw !

I also found, that getting the smartphone to work after having Yuvee isn't an option - if I want to introduce the item in my inventory to Yuvee, it's not working. And even though I get the Dialog with the Satyr in the Guard Room, there's nothing else I can do afterwards but going down the corruption path.

Is there any other "story" hidden there? I am so lost and have tried out so many things now, that I'm a little lost and losing patience - maybe it'd be nice to know where there are options without spoilering them. Since if it gets too complicated, people might also lose interest...but I'm really trying to get it all right, but there's always something not working (yet) or impossible to go back and I need to start all over again. *sigh*'

I remember long time ago, I had the mobile working and possessed, if I'm not mistaken, but I have no chance of recreating it with the new version now...

What is nice that there is a menu coming up with the options now of what can be done after trying to enter certain actions.

I also tried to follow the trail the Satyr told me, but I cannot get past the Goblin either (I chose to go together in the Dialog with Satyr Buddy in the Guard Room).

Maybe I'm just too sleepy already, but I'm getting a headache trying to figure it out, so I'll look into it later again.

It works much more stable in the new version, but the old Saves made the Game crash, so I started anew...which works pretty smoothly now (Linux).

Cheers and I'd love to have an "Option Tree" unlock when we tried something out, so it's easier to see which options were already tried and which ones are still open for trying. Because the conditions are pretty multi-leveled and that always gives me a headache after trying for a while.


Hi! I sincerely apologise for the misleading nature of how I deliver updates without explaining where the work in progress roadblocks are. Unfortunately there aren't any means to leave the prison complex aside from having a bad ending in the Swamp for now. The phone cannot be unlocked as for now. The next update will contain more areas and asset updates. 

I will take into account your critique and add very clear notes during gameplay of where the player reaches the limits of what's currently available. The game has no goals that can be achieved as of now. 

I hope I haven't worn out your patience with this piece of unfinished game. I appreciate some aspects of the experience were a bit more enjoyable. I realise it was too early to actually update the game, I might have been pressured to do it regardless. This update contains mostly the groundwork for many new mechanics I intend to take advantage of later on, it's also been about making the project capable of welcoming help from assistant programmers with an intelligible and flexible code, which is something I lacked of when starting this. 

Thank you for your feedback

Ah, thanks so much Ghuraok, that certainly helps a lot to know the limitations and boundaries of the current Game Version.

Personally, I don't need you or your team to "pressure" things, but clear communication certainly helps prevent frustration and disappointments as to what is to be expected from current status of development of the Game. So, don't let others pressure you into stuff - clarity in communication is all that seemed to have been missing a bit for me about the status.

I know a little bit of coding myself, but never really applied that knowledge much so far since people, who do not know it, often times seem to have entirely unrealistic expectations as to the effort and time, that goes into it. So, if anyone keeps pressuring you or your team, ignore them please and keep on doing your thing with an attitude, that "sparks joy" in you and celebrate the step-stones with those, who can appreciate the work done until each of them.

So, thanks for clarifying and being transparent about that process - the Game runs much more stable now (at least with the newly created Save-Games,  which makes sense since you were just writing, that you upgraded the Code behind, too) and I've just checked the hints in the "Memories"-Archive again - which are pretty helpful already.

Alright, so much from me - 'love the Game and also the "Placeholders" are really self-explanatory, i.m.h.o.

Keep up the good work and looking forward to the further development when you and your team's ready.


I'm handling everything by myself so far. That includes : Music, writing, scripting, coding, designing, drawing, integrating, marketing, etc. Obviously that's a lot ! I'm very organised but I know that with the funds I'm getting and being alone that is, I can only make so much happen. Slow and steady wins the race ! 

Thank you for reassuring me, don't worry I keep a cool head about this, I know how the internet works haha