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Awesome artwork! The background looks fantastic in particular. And I like the idea of conserving your jump pads and using them sparingly, that's a cool twisting on platforming that I don't think I've seen. Also like how there's some secret crystals that encourage exploration of the level.

I did find myself a bit frustrated with a couple things: I don't think I had the ability to pickup a pad after having placed it? Also, I struggle the place the crystal after carrying it? I think some tutorial levels that more slowly introduce the mechanics would be super helpful!

Thanks!  So yeah with the jump pads, it's supposed to be something that's just thrown down and that's it you can't pick them back up.  I put the limit in place so that you couldn't just use them instead of normal jumping but I took the inspiration from Mega Man and the Rush powers you get.  


Ahh I see, right right. Yeah I think the problem was my noob level and accidentally placing the pad when I didn't mean to. But I see why you don't want to allow the player to re-place the pad.