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Wow this game has an amazing look and atmosphere! I love how you made a different plant and story for each of the places to die, and the watercolor graphics are amazing. I also like how dying gives you a new spawn point which makes death not even that much of a setback. 

A few points of feedback:

- The hoe section was a little bit bogus, as you spawn right next to the first hoe and instantly die if you press right at all. The third hoe is completely untelegraphed and came out of nowhere to wreck me the first time I went through that section

- Where you can and cannot jump could definitely be made a lot clearer. Sometimes what looks like solid ground is actually a background, or like the example below, the platform does not line up with the visuals at all. This is just a minor nitpick though and could be easily fixed. I think in general just try to reduce the contrast of background elements and highlight the foreground elements so it is a little clearer what the player can jump on.

Overall, this is a stellar entry, it has beautiful graphics and a cool gameplay idea, and is very polished! 

PS. I loved the ways the lily pads swayed when you jumped on them

it warms my heart to see a detailed review! I'll definitely consider your suggestions! I'm glad you like the lily pads that's my favorite part of the game! I tried your game too it is awesome! I like the mechanics of using death to evolve in your game, it is smarter than mine!