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It's a bit tricky to add one, the book is the best type of long term storage at the moment. I'll make the game open source in a while though, so everything will be possible!

(1 edit)

Ah, no worries. Perhaps dragging a fish to the top of the screen could directly generate a koi code then? Then I could export fish and keep them stored in a directory in my filesystem instead?

**Edit:** Dragging an dropping a koi code into the game doesn't do anything. The game goes lighter in colour, but then returns to normal after I drop it and I don't get another fish. I'm on Linux / Ubuntu 20.10.

"Dragging an dropping a koi code into the game doesn't do anything"

Have you tried the koi code on the store page? Looks to me as if codes cannot be imported back into the save that exported them, which feels intentional.

Huh, that's weird - the one on the home page does work. In that case, I can't just store my koi in codes then - so an alternative is needed as the book as limited space. It should at least show a message rather than do nothing.