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I did the top "cold" hint and the one to the right with the split lasers. I'm struggling to figure out what the orange slime inside the tetris piece means.

The tetris stone mimics an area inside the checked floor pattern (look to the left side) - let me know if that hint was good enough for you to solve the puzzle.

It did, but the laser thing I did by accident.  I'm at a loss with the 4th hint, I recognize the 2 symbols(red n green) on the right, but no idea what to do with that


Thanks! For the 4th hint, I planned to kinda make a coded map, so you start with the symbols at the left (green triangle down/green triangle up) and work your way through the symbols (arrows = directions, slashes = cracks in the stones). The last symbols indicate the cap you have to wear.

Got it. I would've never figured out the slashes corresponded to the cracks.

Great art as usual, I can't recall anyone who draws thick women as well you do.

Nice! Yeah, the slashes are a bit small, I'm thinking about making them a tad bigger / better to see in the next update.
Thanks for your feedback, man - you were very helpful!
Also, I'm glad you enjoy my thick ladies :)
Take care!

I'm literally so stuck on the third pillar, It's driving me insane.

@theenginnerpug Check out the different statues - one is a bit different than the others. Also, check out the checked pattern on the floor in the middle - one part of it is not as expected. Hope that helps ;)

I got right after I had posted the comment but thanks.