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Thank you for your feedback!

Aha, so you know Tailor Tales from way back then, it has definitely changed a lot :) but it's for the best, I've got an actual working game people can play right now, and Neil's route will be finished in the next update. I could have never achieved something like this in the previous version.

It's funny you've got more fierce points on Dimitri - he's loads of fun to tease, isn't he? :D

Thank you for the compliment on the writing! Getting to write two different responses when it comes to the fierce/kind options is always pretty fun to do. Some choices can present a fierce/kind scene of up to 1k words! Of course, in-game you wouldn't be able to tell.

I hope you'll play the next update as well! Maybe you'll get a new favourite CG then, considering Dimitri is due for another CG.

The game is being very neatly developed , in spite of the major changes it went through. Oh, I will  definitely follow its  progress and try out the updates ! I did got the feeling that you've put a lot of thought and  love in the writing, so I'm really glad to see that you're also enjoy making it complex. The MC merciless teasing Dimitri and him actually liking is truly adorable; I admit it, I am weak, haha (:'> . Keep up the superb work !