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Ahh, but here's the rub, while I want you to ensure save scumming isn't possible in my perma-death game, I NEED to be able to save and quit out at times to eat and have a life.  Also, a flag of harcore won't do it, it would need to be a separate scoreboard as, even when devs try to compensate with some sort of scoring bonus for hardcore, it never really works in my ever so humble opinion.

(1 edit)

Sorry I wasn't clear, I didn't mean no saves at all, I agree that would make eating difficult ;P - just the impossibility of save scumming you get from permadeath. I like the idea of a separate highscoreboard for hardcore, that might be a good compromise. Maybe even no highscores at all for non-hardcore, since those players don't seem to mind about highscores anyway...