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(2 edits) (+1)

The game was fun to play.  This game could  be fun to play if it is well optimised and it is better if u provide a route map/ instructions or something like that . This game will be better after some bug fixes. This game is awesome implementation of a general idea in a better way. Good Job, Keep it up .

(1 edit)

Thanks for commenting and giving your time for this game.....

I am currently working on optimising the game and removing the bugs that I have got to know. If you can share the bugs I will see to it.

And I didn't provide the instructions as it was a linear game and ultimately you can only move forward so I wanted the Player to figure out everything himself so that he can get involved in the game

I hope you will check back on my game in two weeks when I will be able to update the game and hopefully it will be so much better than now...

Thank you for playing and Have A good day!!!! :)