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Its a game jam game, and my game is missing a lot of menu niceness too so I wont pick too hard, lol but you don't have a back button on the in-game options menu and for some reason the buttons and text don't line up on the home screen. Now for the good stuff, this game is really cool! I LOVE the animations and the artwork a lot! I'm curious about your intentions for the game though, was only having the light around the red character done on purpose? It fits with the theme that they should all be as close together as possible, but in practice its annoying. I love the idea of having to rotate though characters very fun though. Also, was it intentional to be able to have everyone jump a lot? I liked it and it seems to stop after a few jumps, but I can jump REALLY high. If that was intentional, its cool I was just curious.

Thank you very much for your comment.
Yes, it was intentionally, that only the red character has a light. For the UI : Thats strange, there should be a back button from the options. Maybe its a bug of the canvas. Usually the jumpheights of the characters shouldnt change during the game. Its very nice to hear, that you like the game. Do you think its to hard or the easy at some points?

I think the difficulty was fine, from what I played.  I wasn't too concerned with the difficulty honestly, cuz I was enjoying the jumping and the wizard shooting!

Okay. Do you played through the complete game?

(1 edit)

I didn't play through the whole game, I'll finish it out and let you know what I think about the difficulty. Also, I'm noticing a lot of other games are cutting off menus for me. I have an ultrawide monitor, so I think that's is causing things to be off. I'm glad I found this out, I need to add some screen size calculations for my menu layouts.

Edit: Just finished game (THANK YOU FOR ADDING SAVING!) I think the difficulty was perfect. The only thing that could MAYBE change is the skeletons, they're not really scary since they don't walk all the way to the edge to hit the players. I don't this is a bad thing, it makes the player change to the wizard to do something, so I like that and making the skellies harder might be annoying in practice. Also, I noticed that the wizard falls half-way through the floating platforms, not a big deal. Other than that, really a great game overall especially for being done in a week!