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Downloaded the game as the dev noted, the webGL build does not work. No biggy.

The game itself feels very rough and very harsh, the color choice is.. interesting. For some reason the robot can not move uphill once passed, making it impossible to pickup missed parts.

The scrap idea is great, would have loved to be able to place my custom parts myself, so that I could control whether or not I shoot with left or right click, same for melee. The idea has potential, but at the moment it feels  to unfinished.

(1 edit)

Noted, thanks so much for the feedback!

I was going for a kinda rough Flash cartoon/game vibe with the graphics, and I do kind of like the color choice because of the tone I was trying to create, but I can also see how it's kind of ugly.

I wish I had more time to expand upon the game mechanics but I ran out of time before I could which is a shame. I want to try and improve on the game after the jam is finished.


If you where going for the old-school rough flash look, then that succeeded! And not ugly per se. Hey it's a game jam, we are here to learn! Keep it up.