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(2 edits)

I've been playing more since then and even changed my mind on a few things:

- Analysis paralysis only happens when all the monster types happen to have similar stats (and the room is full of them). Otherwise it is an easy decision to start attacking the weaker monsters first.

- I personally would like as many tactical options as possible concerning each monster type (like the wolf trap positioning). In the end exploiting the enemy quirks is the whole point of the exercise (and very satisfying).

Ok I will re-add it for 0.84 so everyone can try it.

I used to take most down > most left place for spawning traps. Should I extend this to vampire spawn too ?

Sure. The way I see it is that any effect that is triggered by an attack should take into consideration the specific monster targeted, especially if the effect is beneficial. The odds are already heavily stacked against the player so any tactical advantage, no matter how small, can be the key to survival in some situation.

Oh ok I get it. You mean like the dodging rat ( who is always the one you click ). It sounds interesting I will try it on 0.85