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27 Awesome Games Checked in my Final Video Review!

A topic by Bastian Top created Feb 05, 2021 Views: 83 Replies: 2
Viewing posts 1 to 3

What's up all! I did a final video review yesterday checking 27 games! Some really cool games here. Do check them out! My personal favorites were as below, even though there were a lot of good games in this run!

Slime Stone
Neo Wave

What do you think? Have a look at my review below and also thank you all who have rated and played my game!

00:00 Opening
00:50 Pygoscelis (
08:00 Skyhigh 
14:00 Limit
25:40 Oil Jump 
27:40 Fuel Now 
31:10 Is
33:40 Break Out Plan
41:30 Drive Out
48:23 Sanctuary by the Sea
55:30 Forest Trip 
58:48 Valorie (
1:06:20 Rare Collector
1:09:00 Mr Pancake 
1:15:22 Neo Wave (
1:24:33 Short King
1:34:30 Maze of the Neglected Triangle
1:39:22 Kill Coint 
1:43:50 Penguin Flood
1:47:55 Soul Jump 
1:54:04 Ghost Frame 
1:58:40 Slimestone Quarry (
2:07:00 Bunny Blast
2:10:40 SketchWorld
2:18:00 Speed Gunner
2:24:11 Just Plow

Cheers all! BTP GameJam has been a fun event!



Great job reviewing all these games! What were your favourite out of all the videos you've done for the BTP jam?



This is my first ever game jam and I would appreciate if you can rate my game.

You cannot complete the game as I unwillingly created a bug in the second level which doesn't allow the player to proceed. Otehr than that it would be nice to get a feedback.
