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Wow thanks for all the feedback! I intend to keep polishing the game and i'll consider what you say. I want to imrpove the background to make it not so boring. I dont want to make the platforms visibles because part of the challenge of the game is to keep in mind where was the other collor platforms or at least that was my intent. Maybe if the player could see more of the scenario at once this could be easier, so i want to do that.
There are other areas i want to improve too (i haven't had much time this week)
Thanks for the advice anyway! I'll give a look to your game once i'm off work 

I partially agree with you on removing the ability to see the other color platforms at all.  The issue that I think you'll run into though, which is one I ran into, is that players are going to be forced to constantly check areas.  I had a few spots where I figured I'd just be jumping from one platform to another.  Only to find out there was a button back where I was, and a platform that wasn't moving towards me because I didn't hit it since there was no indication it was there.

I feel like some slight hint could help.  That's why I recommended making them partially visible.

Actually that's a good point, maybe making all visible for an instant at the start... i thinks i'll try to make them partially visible like you said anyways hahaha.
Thanks for the help!