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Hello! I downloaded the universal file since I'm on a Mac, but I'm getting an error when I try to open Seems like a libcurl-related error on main.lua line 141. I do have Love 0.10.2 installed. Is libcurl included properly? It looks like it might have been packaged apart from the .love file.

Have you considered publishing a Mac version that's just a .app and has the libcurl stuff included? I'll check back later, because I'd love to play this! :)


I've the same problem on my GNU/Linux computer.

I am able to run the windows version of this game using wine but only get the message that the game want to update it self but can't connect to server. Really strange.

(1 edit) (+1)

Libcurl needs to be installed. Including it to the. love did not work since it must be installed. I was told that most Linux systems has libcurl installed, on mac I wasnt able to test it. Sorry for that, I will try to fix that by using pure Lua instead of