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I'm working on a program that captures footage from OpenGL/Direct3D/Vulkan games:

It's really interesting to work on!

  • I need to use different strategies on Linux, Mac OSX & Windows to hook into a running executable
    • LD_PRELOAD on Linux
    • DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES on Mac (+ swizzling Objective-C methods)
    • CreateRemoteThread + Detouring (emitting binary code directly in the program's memory so it'll jump to OUR version of a function like wglSwapBuffers instead) on Windows
  • OpenGL has a flat API (simple C functions), but Direct3D has an object-oriented C++ API, which means swapping function pointers in vtables instead!
  • My reference project for game capture is OBS Studio, which is great, but a huge codebase with a lot of dependencies, in particular...
    • OBS deals directly with video encoding - but all I want capsule to do is send raw frames (uncompressed pixel data) to another program which will take care of encoding. That'll make my program a lot simpler than obs
    • OBS has this whole concept of scenes, layouts, various sources, etc. - again, for capsule I just need one video source and at most one audio source
    • OBS doesn't draw anything on top of games, but for capsule I want to do that! To show stuff like progress when capturing a game (maybe it only captures 30s of video max and you can pause/resume like in Vine?)

Anyway, still lots to do, everything is open-source as usual (Github repo), help is welcome if you know your way around C++/CMake :)


Nevermind, I got it! 👍
— amos (@fasterthanlime) May 17, 2016
Hello pixels!
— amos (@fasterthanlime) May 17, 2016