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Love the art style and punchy sound effects, though I found the controls a bit awkward. The instructions say WASD aren’t recommended, but I think most people are used to that.

Thanks! The only reason wasd is not recommended is because during the later stages of playtesting i got the feedback that v is a bit awkward to use together with wasd (i find arrow keys to be more comfortable specifically for platformers so i subconsciously designed for that). I considered adding alternate bindings but it was a bit too late as I'd have to update the key hints as well, and it was already 2am the night before the deadline lol. But I totally agree, it would be nicer to have better bindings for wasd players for sure.


Hah, totally understand the last minute crush. J and K might be good keys to pair with WASD since they’re on the home row (for QWERTY, anyways).