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Visuals are absolutely awesome guys, but I find it a bit hard to tell how to aim, and whether I'm hitting the train correctly. Also pretty tricky to anticipate all the things flying around to kill you, which I suppose feels true to it's name.

I was playing with keyboard and mouse, maybe it's easier on controller.

Also, I'm really curious, what does this have to do with lost and found? I guess they're kids toys someone lost based on the project name?

(3 edits) (+2)


Great many thanks for both the kind words and for the feedback!

Our game consists of lost toys, that battle for the affection of their owner. Also hit points and ammunititon, being virtually the same for the playable character, can both be lost and found at all times. As the train's weapon carts are defeated, it also becomes stronger. The whole game design revolves around this year's theme.


Thanks for feedback Ramon. If you finish the game it will make more sense. :)