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The visuals and the music were nice and engaging. I also liked the main menu- very catchy. 

The detection range of the enemies was too big and also their speed was too high compared to my speed, making it impossible to finish the level in some cases. 

Also, the fact that you cannot see the map is frustrating, you don't know the direction in which you have to go to finish the level and also you cannot see the enemies beforehand, only when you're too close to them and it's too hard to get away from them. 

Thanks for the feedback! Much apreciated.

Yeah, the detection range varies on the way you are walking (is wider if you are runing, if you are moving slowly they would have to see you). Also the speed is intenden so you can outrun them if you are carryng 1 or 2 weights, but with more you are slower, so it forces you to go after the most valuable prices.

The map was on our wishlist, but we simply didnt have time for it! But yeah, it would be a nice addition