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(1 edit)

I think I've found a bug, the repeat x times works fine when I use it inside an infinite or another loop but when the repeat x times is the outer loop ( I wanted a worker bot to create 4 other bots and no more than that ) the worker bot doesn't stop making other bots and the repeate x times becomes an infinite loop.

can you post a picture? i will try to repeat that bug with what i understand for now.

I edited my post

Ok i can confirm that, the x times Code loops to infinity... as reportet from you with the pic edit and the code i got in my mind, the bot is not willing to stop. at least now i have five new ones for someting. :D


Unfortunately at this time you can't put a "Repeat x times" inside of a "Repeat x times". We'll be enabling this at some point in a later version. Thanks

I like to creat them by my own hands in a older gameply i automated that step und got in a hurry let my computer run and well... i needed a new savegame because cleaning up that mess even with the recycler was to much for me and i know i could me the bots do ther own recycling. ^^