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So far Ive been imitating how the more seasoned game developers post DEV LOGS about their games.  For example:

ATaciturnGamer's post in this forum called "[Devlog] Knight Terrors! "

  • Showing screen shots and videos of progress
  •  Posting in depth explanation of what changed since the last time they posted, in a way that other game devs will understand quickly.
  • Having timely replies to comments both on thier thread and on other peoples 

It all looks organized and neat. 

That seems like a good strategy. I just get super tunnel visioned and forget to do it though. I probably should just set timers or something.

I'm with ya. I focused more on building something that resembled a game than actually commenting and creating a dev blog on it.


It did seem that the times I did write something down helped my momentum though. This is actually the first time I was ever able to "finish" a game and publish it (even though it's short and a little glitchy and stuff). Maybe I will try to make that more regular.