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Personally, I hate in-game tutorials, as it's disruptive to the flow of the game but I'm not a beginner. What about the instructions? It's not 'in-game', but does that count? Anyone that's read my instructions won't need a tutorial, but there's also in-game help as a reminder.

Oh, I hate in-game tutorials too. I skip a lot of them. In fact, I wasn't going to bother with a tutorial until Chris convinced me to do so. Ha!

And for a lot of my audience, it was super helpful for them that I did. :) So, it totally depends on your audience.

I think it's an option you present. Most beginners would choose yes, most seasoned pros would choose no. Everyone is happy.

Instructions on a page not on screen currently are not as effective as a printed manual or an in-game tutorial.  That said, your written instructions on your game page are exceptional Garry, I just think a lot of players might not bother to read them and assume the game will guide them (the modern gamer approach).