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Day 7!!!

Oh man yesterday was not successful when it comes to getting what Iw anted completed BUT I did have a rather good day yesterday. Got to play a lot of other people's games since the game design program I'm apart of had us go to this thing called Playtest Thursdays which is super cool n fun! I ended up getting home at 8ish pm and I was exhaussssted so I couldn't even think about working on anything. I just wanted to pass out.

Today I had to get my hair done since I have to go to the Games For Change Festival next week (And boy I am 100% excited but shook at the same time for that) Luckily I still managed to work on stuff today after my dad finished doing my hair as you can see below.

 I finished all the hairstyles!! Just adding colors to eachhhh of them though which is a LOT of work but like I want there to be more options when customizing a character, ya know?

For the rest of the day my goal is (since it's like 6-ish pm right now) is to just to finish adding the 8 different colors to each hairstyle and that's probably it.

My head still hurts from getting my hair done  and also my friends wanted to start a DnD campaign today!And I've never played DnD so I gotta make sure not to multitask when we start.

Tomorrow I'll hopefully work a loooot on the story part of the game so it'll be more than just a character creator