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yeah unfortunately renpy's documentation for its newer update isn't as detailed or finished as its older one. i do typically declare my own custom positions for sprites--but i guess you really could just redeclare the default ones to your liking. even if you've had a few difficulties this is really great progress and documentation of how you've solved problems!


Thanks! The documentation seems more like a list of possibilities, but as a complete beginner, I don't know what most of the functions do or why I'd use them... let alone how to call them! Anyway, now that you mention it, I should probably make my own positions. There's a chance that further down the line I'll need to use the default ones at some point.

yep haha documentation is actually Less Useful when you're starting out and starts to become more helpful after you've looked through tutorials or examples. i would say looking at other people's projects or tutorials is a better way to learn things and when you start to get a handle documentation becomes like a cookbook or a list of cool ingredients you can use for most customizable stuff!