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Day 2

Welp here's some progress from yesterday!

Usually I have placeholders when starting a new game but I decided to work on some of  the art assets first and just choose something to start with.

I was happy at first because I was like " Yay it's working!!" And then I realized that if I clicked anywhere instead of just the right arrow(cause I started with one arrow at a time) that it would change the skin color. So I fixed that issue but another problem came up!!

As you can see in the gif above the left arrow doesn't properly go back and I don't want to be lazy and just make players click the right arrow to get whatever thing they want. I want them to be able to go back for things  instead of going allll the way around.

So! My goal for today is to fix that and maybe work on some more art assets.
I guess a stretch goal for today would be learning how to save customizations to another scene  because I found a tutorial for it and I understand it pretty well but I just don't want to break the game!

;-; I already lost quite a lot of time today though since I woke up around 12 but I'll hopefully still have a productive day!