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Definitely. I agreed with everything, except the luck > skill. It's not like the grenade has random bounces... The bouncing is extremely consistent and therefore very predictable, if you cant make a gap it's not due to luck.  The cancel teleport is a must, and the game is easy in my opinion as well, but you can't cater to everybody because some people that have played have thought it was difficult. We had art for 2 more enemies but i did not code them in, and you may not have realized but the fire cats don't even hit you lol. Just ran out of time. First 48 hour game jam and I didn't prioritize correctly I don't think. If we go back and try to complete this game in the future, it will turn into more of a shmup and you can expect it to be smoother and have actually decent AI hopefully lol. Thanks for playing though, i appreciate the time and effort.


Totally understandable. There's only so much we can accomplish in 48 hours.

I just need more time in my 48 hours and then i'd be all set haha