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Really cool twist on the portal mechanic! Love the voiceovers and completed the game. The lag in activating it might be intentional but would control tighter without that lag. The background is also kind of hard to tell from the walls and platforms as it doesn't contrast. Reaching a portal also immediately puts you to the next level which is kind of jarring. Otherwise a solid entry!

Activation lag was intentional, I think my idea was to emphasis the teleport so that way the player doesn't get lost on the screen and give themselves more time to orient. Background contrast i agree with, the full solid color compared to minor pinched detail is a decent enough contrast, but there definitely could be more. I personally like immediately porting through, but agreed that it is jarring. Thanks for the feedback and taking time to play. It will be infinitely useful if we go back and polish/expand (on) this into a full game.