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Hey this was pretty cool with great mechanics! I liked how you had to shoot to unlock areas. I got stuck at the fire though. Must of skipped something important! Find my video below:

40:00 MMOonshot

(1 edit) (+2)

Super glad you left a video review :D

It was frustrating to watch because you were sooo close to get it. The fire must be extinguished by the waterfall.
Problem is, you opened the bridge with the fire underneath before making the waterfall on the bridge on top go down.

What you must do is :

  • Collect the bonus that allows you to shoot through bridges
  • Cross the bridge with the fire underneath without activating the targets
  • Bo back to top to the waterfall floor
  • Aim at the target next to the bridge FIRST then aim the target underneath FAST (you have less than a second to accomplish this move)
  • Now you can open the "fire bridge"

Usually you could still jump over the fire even after you disabled the bridge. But for some reason, if you have low FPS, you don't jump as high as expected.

There's a whole second level with the core mechanic of the game (moons) just after the fire if you feel like coming back to the game :)

Thanks for the review !


Ah figured! Thanks for letting me know. If I get the chance I will check it out!