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Added a tank model (By my friend)

Start and fail state

Health system and UI

(1 edit)

Did a movement pass (made the movement more snappy, added "friction", added variable jumping, added coyote time to the jumping).

Added a machine gun
Made weapons swappable with an upgrade (regular Gun, Machine Gun)
Gun Upgrade dispenser/pedestals


This is some advanced gameplay, can't wait to try it!

(1 edit)

Hummus Man had a bounce right before this one. 

For this one I added grenades, tweaked movement, added a wave system, added upgrades. Can't seem to upload these 15mb gifs to imgur or giphy anymore...

Oops, forgot to include progress

Added a tower model (By my friend)

Added a new player model. (By me)

Visual Improvements and a start and end scene.

Some bug fixes

Nice colors :)