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(1 edit)

Bruh, dude. You thought I don't do that? :/ 

Writing "Dave" on the cup has the same effect as writing "Hoss" as far as getting a bonus point. But the ability to get that CG assumes you didn't get any bonus from the coffee cup.

Aw man, I thought it gave a bonus point ._.


I know you literally just said it doesn’t matter as far as seeing new content, but you bonus points for putting someone else’s name? Just asking cause I was planning on replaying soon and I like little stuff like that🐊


Putting in any of the main cast names gives you a point of affection with them plus some tweaked dialogue. Putting in Dave's name gives you a point for everyone. A couple patrons also have their names in code but they don't add any bonus points.

Oh okay...I thought it was like some route specific stuff...thanks!