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I believe the “Release Announcements” are for games that have already been released. My understanding is that people browsing that category, are looking for games to play now. I could be wrong on that though, best to follow what the rules say.

If by teaser you mean like a video, you can still post it on social media, and if you want, you can make a game page and attach the video on a devlog (or the main page itself).

(2 edits)

Just to add a small data point: I browse the release announcements every one or two days. If something reads demo, preorder, alpha, etc. there’s only a pretty low chance I will be even looking into it - unless the title or the screenshot really speak to me.

Part of that is that certain developers feel entitled to post regular release announcements for the same game - the way others would post development logs. (Not speaking of Dark Dimension, of course. Lately some of my posts have been… misinterpreted, so I thought I’d make that clear here.)

Edit: Having just looked through the current release announcements, I have been watching myself a little and it turns out I still upvote announcements for demos if I get a good vibe from them.