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(1 edit)

someone went on the purchase website and, putting my email address in the "purchase as gift" option,  bought among us as a gift (I'm on Windows) and there aren't any among us files or any emails even mentioning a gift. i didnt have an itch account at the time of the purchase but it says that you don't need one in order to receive the gift.


Tell the person who bought it to reach out to support with the email they used to do the purchase:

he already has

(1 edit)

Consider the possibility that your friend misspelled your email. It’s also possible that they made a mistake and actually didn’t buy the game. They can check with whatever service they used: If their service didn’t bill them for the game that is a strong indicator that something went wrong on your friend’s end… ;)


it's possible that  they misspelled my email but i said it multiple times before they made the purchase. also the friend says they were immediately billed after the purchase was made.

Well, than all that’s left is to wait for support to get back to them - and them to get back to you. I wish you and your friend that this resolves soon.