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Hey, love how we both had similar ghost ideas for our games :D I really enjoyed this short game, definitely had to do some puzzle solving to get to the end as ghost/normal mode had to be taken into account when going through doors. Really great world design though I did get quite lost so a map would have been nice so I can plan my approach but you would have to figure out if that would fit into your game or if you would like it to be more memory based. Good job on this one!

I had considered some form of map, but wouldn’t say I’ve considered if I have a preference of it over a more memory based approach. To be honest though in this case there just simply wasn’t the time once all was said and done. I’ll be sure to check out your project at some point, be interesting to see other peoples takes on a similar concept.

Thanks for the feedback, glad you enjoyed the game :)

Fair enough, definitely can work this concept into a grander experience! :) Enjoy the rest of the jam!