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I just gave you the highest score I've given out tonight.

Your game is exactly what I was hoping it would be from the pictures.

My only criticisms are:
-You need some coyote time, I kept falling off platforms I was trying to jump from.
-Since holding the light in front of you is so critical to moving through the level, does it's noise have to be so loud? and can it be a toggle instead of a button hold?

The art, level, and sound design are great.
The platforming mechanics themselves just need a little tweaking.


WOW Thank uuu!! I'm so happy that you found my game so great!

Thanks for the feedback, I was trying to implement something like what you said on the jumping, but I didn't know it was called coyote time. Now that I know I can get ideas on Youtube of how to implement it, maybe with an alarm. Also I'll be checking  the light bulb's noise and I'll lower it more, haha it's actually pretty loud.

Thanks again for your feedback man! I really appreciate it and it'll make my game better soon.


For a great example on platforming mechanics. There's a GMTK video on the game Celeste.

It's a great watch for anyone making platformers, even if you're not making a skill based platformer, having her basic movement for your character is a good frame of reference. 

