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This game tells the story of a research centre disaster happening in the future because of the cube you are controlling. If you pay attention about the decoration in the different dimensions, there is a timeline going on : it starts on the bottom, where the research centre is all fine and neat. Then the disaster happen and the centre is abandoned, that's the dimension on the left. Then nature develops again on the ruins, that's the dimension on the right. Then it's all flooded by rain, dimension on the top. When you finish the game there is no choice but to let yourself fall, that's to say using the bottom dimension, the start of the timeline. If I've had more time I would have added an explosion at the end when you touch the ground, which would have made the concept more obvious. Anyway the end was so hard, few people reached it.

I wanted to interpret the theme future as a story theme.

whoa that is awesome story u should write it on the depscription. maybe its underated becuz the character just a cube. if the cube is a human figure it make it more interesting and more adding lore to it. LOVE THE GAME