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This game reeeally needs some checkpoints. It’s so annoying to start from the beginning each time. I wasn’t able to finish it because of this. Also, collision and camera movement felt very choppy.

But otherwise I liked this game, the level design is nice, with lots of unexpected elements. The coins especially confused me at first, I didn’t understand why they were killing me sometimes, only to discover that they have spikes on the sides!


Some peoples say the same with the checkpoints and the camera, I will put the default camera(I'm not good at programming cameras) and add other things. I made the game in a certain way in which the player learned how to pass the level as he died, and after many attempts it passes quickly. But sorry for the camera mistakes. And by the way, I'm going to upload a new version that has things like music and maybe add the default Unity camera in that version. Thanks for play the game. PD: I recommend you get to the final phase, I don't think you expect what you are going to see there.