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This one has a ton of personality to it! I liked the mounting challenges, and the game felt really good to play. Honestly I even think you could have lowered the time limits a bit, since I never felt too rushed. Also, loved the art style so awesome job to the 3D artists!

(1 edit)

Hi thank you for your comment. The 3D artisits really did a good work :). As a game improvement I will try to decrease the time limit by15 seconds for each level.

 Also the timer should be on the ui all the time because the boxes sometimes restricted the timer view. 

I Updated the game jam submission(Hard Version) and Included a more "rushed" version of the game by decreasing the time limit for each level and making more boxes spawn :). I hope you will enjoy the new improvements. Let me know what you think.

The music has also changed to match the new game submission using a nice rock song.