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This is fantastic. :D  I'd been looking forward to this one since your early progress messages on Discord.

I love the off-the-wall story, the gameplay is good, and the graphics are silly but clear.

I did not get very far before dying, sadly, but it felt very solid up to that point.

The music and audio design are very well considered and executed.

Feels more like a Megaman game than a Metroidvania, but I enjoyed it just the same!

Thanks!! :) Yeah I definitely pulled a lot of inspiration from Mega Man classic/X/Zero being a huge fan of those games personally. By the way, I updated the game and lowered a lot of damage values to make it a little bit easier. Maybe give it another go sometime :) Not sure how far you got, but there is a save/load system. You just need to skip past the credits to get back to the title screen and load your save file.