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Hello again, here's a fresh batch of Alpha 1.3 bugs I've managed to discover:

1) If you play with the girl's AI long enough when she tries to hide from you, she will perform a wrong animation when hiding behind things as seen below:

2) I know you're going to impliment an actual ending to this game, but I still think this is worth sharing. You can actually lock her behind the exit door, which is pretty hilarious.

3) Pretty sure this once's already been adressed, but you can hide behind classroom doors, which messes with the girl's AI

Also, you can RELIABLY get her stuck behind said doors if you manage to trick her into hiding behind you (she gets out the moment you exit the room, however). This trick works with all classroom doors and even the cafeteria room.

4) If you position your back towards the girl AND look at your own feet, the girl wont be able to detect you. Like, at all. I've been standing at he center of the corridor looking at the floor and the girl just walked past me, completely oblivious to my presense

5) The bug from the 4th part of my report gets even weirder when she DOES see you. When you get detected by the girl, you can turn your back to her and look at the floor to "pacify" her. When you do this, she is unable to harm you, so all she can do is push you in the direction she is walking, for about 10-15 seconds before getting bored and just walking away, leaving you completely unharmed.

This is me standing at the corner of the room while she tries to walk toward me from behind.

And this is her being very sad and depressed because she couldn't get me while I was toying with her (she was standing like that silently for solid 20 seconds, I think I've hurt her feelings)

6) Lets return to the bug at the 3rd part. When you perform the previous bug with looking at the floor and then close the girl inside any classroom, her animation freezes in a peculiar manner as seen below:

She does that weird thing with both her hands at her face and does not stop. I've even managed to capture her while her animation was broken.

7)When you're hiding in a closet, the girl keeps returning to the room you're hiding in every 20 seconds even if you're not even pressing any buttons. This makes the hiding mechanic obsolete since the girl seems to know your exact location when you're hiding even though she does not approach you at all.

At one point I've been sitting in the closed for half an hour waiting for her to walk to the other side of the building... yet she kept coming back every 20 seconds.

In short, the game has some serious AI problems that make the game incredibly easy. But hey, I've had an absolute blast toying with the girl and exploiting her AI, searching for bugs in this game is pretty fun. I'll be looking forward to the next update for this game.

I really hope my little bug report was of any help to you


That fourth one almost sounds like something intend, like she takes pity on you and acts like she doesn't see you, much like how a kid thinks they got a great hiding spot, but it's just too obvious to everyone else.

Hehe, you're right. It would be pretty cool if the girl actually toyed with players who are obviously to scared to even touch the keyboard like that. Who knows, maybe habupain will actually implement a similar mechanic, alongside fixing the AI


Thanks for the feedback! this is most likely a bug in the game and not intended feature but lol i will check it out and may be do some thing in the future to include some kind of empathy/mercy from the AI to add a depth of unpredictable.

Looks like there might be a compatible play style for me yet.

Thanks for the detailed feedback! I highly appreciate it we also have discord and a bugs section if you would like to join our discord that would greatly help our development i see that you have great eye to track down bug as always i will answer regarding each points you made.

1 :  has been fixed in latest 1.4 i tested it quit a bit and the bug seems to be regarding wrong animation has been fixed but please feel free to let me know if you see it again.

2 : Yes i did quick fix to escape code so that players dont get killed and stop moving for now but yes you are right i will implement proper ending code.

3 : Yes currently this issue is on my top of the list to make changes as i also feel the door are some times player biggest enemy including enemy for the AI lol.

4 : lol thats is quit a strange bug i didnt manage to encounter such bug but will investigate.

5 : I think they are both related some thing to do with AI detect at a player certain angle i will investigate.

6 : This particular bug is also related with doors and lockers and will be the top priority to fix in the next update.

7 : Currently the ai code become a bit too overhelmed although i didnt implement any code that would make her keep roaming around in the same area, but they are certain ques player can make which i have not properly addressed in tutorial like opening doors and locker do give some sort of enemy a que it depends on the range but this part of the code requires tweaking and polish.