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wow :0 oh my gosh, i am floored you cranked this out in 9 days. really engaging, fluid gameplay. i found i kept running out of ammo too soon, even with the frequent pickups. perhaps i need to get good? :)

the inclusion of a map editor is equally flooring. this kind of stuff can make your game immortal. i super dig the work you put into this. well done!

Thank you, i'm glad that you liked my game! Aslo i'm think level design is big problem, because i was making levels in a hurry a few hours before deadline). So this leads to problems such as bad item and enemy placement, small size fo the maps. Maybe after the jam i will make new  levels. When I  developed this game, I wanted to make 5-8 levels to feel like a completed episode (like episodes from original DOOM) but time has set its own conditions)))


word. i would love to see a full episode now that there aren't deadlines keeping the level design from shining ✨