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Extremely engaging, fun and well-polished game. I love moving from cover to cover as I try to approach my enemies. The breakable cover and different enemies varied my approach, as I found peeking a shotgunner at close range was not ideal, or having shield guys in the way would mean trouble; all of this makes it more engaging to reposition and maneuver around to gain an advantage, which is I believe this game really nailed the core concept of gunfights. When I died, I didn’t feel frustrated at all because of the fast respawn time, and because of the good gunplay mechanics, failure encouraged me to think of my pacing and approach to the level. Very good job on that. The sound effects and knockback when the bullet hits is satisfying. Boss fight was really cool too. I guess the only criticism I have is to have some smarter enemies that move around and try to out maneuver you too. It doesn’t have to be good AI, for example, the shield enemy was a great addition to tone down brute-forcing. I knew exactly how to kill the shield, but there are other enemies disrupting me from doing the one-two bullet juke, so that is one great way to make me rethink my approach. I would love to see more situations that enable this kind of back-and-forth analysis of the situation. All in all, I had great fun for the entire game. Definitely one of the best shooters I’ve played in this jam. Excellent work!

you’re actually the first person I’ve seen that actually liked the shield enemies XD

 But yeah, some people were mentioning how I could do simple movements at least which is probably what I should have done.

Thanks for the feedback! :)