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(1 edit)

i tried almost 2 days to fix it but it did not work, it works in the editor  when i exported it did not work  ,will i notice that it wasn't working after i send it , will you know what is funny while i was writing this comment i tried more last time and it work's  up and i reupload it ,but the jam is over so it have no mining 

That really sucks :( You're allowed to upload fixed to game-breaking stuff but at this point you're probably not gonna be able to get ratings (If you do I'll rate it)

thank's  , if play it and rate it it will be nice of you 

Afraid it's too late to rate it now but I checked it out and first impressions are good!
The guilt mechanic is such a cool idea for a stealth game.

One other problem I noticed  -  all the pixel art is blurry.  To fix this, select all the png files in your project (search .png in godot and select everything) and go into the import tab. Set 'filter' to OFF, and reimport all.

i was frustrated a bout it that i lost motivation   ,just hearing that make me happy that all my  hard work   didn't go to waste, thank's