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This comment really made my day I'm so glad you loved our game so much. It feels so great to actually make a game that we know people enjoyed. Thanks a bunch for trying to get others in the discord to play too that means a lot! We were thinking of working on the game more after the jam to make a full version since so many people have said they enjoyed it and would be interested in a larger game. If we do work a lot more on it we would add some sort of story as well as more worlds, or maybe the signs could lead to sub worlds filled with more levels. Baba is you was definitely a big inspiration when making this game. As for how we did this all in 48 hours... the overworld was basically just a glorified level select so it wasn't terribly difficult. I worked on all of the programming, my one friend did most of the level design and made the overworld look good, and my other friend composed the music, so with 3 people on individual tasks the work was split up enough son we could finish in time. The mechanics are fairly simple so coding it was pretty straightforward and didn't result in too many major bugs. The part of the game that took up the most time was the level design...the levels I designed were some of the harder ones lol I'll have to work on designing easier levels in the future lol Thanks for all the support, and if we do make a full version I'll be sure to tell you so you can check it out!

thanks god you are continueing because after i finished i wanted more i love this game to much the idea is simple but makes for great puzzles i really cannot wait to see a fully finished version of this game if there will be one and also you should make devlogs i would love to see the progress of this game