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At the beginning of playing I was like oh this is easy I got this... then the difficulty spiked lol. It might have been a bit too quick of a spike but it was fun and I enjoyed the challenge as who wants to sit there and play if the game is too easy the whole time. I played for a bit and managed to get a few power-ups, but I feel like you could have made them a bit cheaper but that aside the game was pretty fun to play I enjoyed it quite a bit. The different enemies were engaging and I had fun the whole time I was playing it. Nice work on this submission! If you have the time and wanna check out the puzzle game we made for the jam any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for dedicating time for my project! Haha, your kind feedback really make me happy that the game makes someone engaged :D. I'll surely change speed of accelerating difficulty curve and lower down the prices after the jam is over and I'm able to release patches.

You've said you bought some upgrades at the shop... Can you please tell me if you bought second level of any upgrade? I know about an issue that upon purchasing second level of any upgrade at the shop the HTML version of the game can just freeze and crash. It would be really helpful if you replied on it, since I myself have this problem.

Also, I'll make sure to check and rate your submission as well.

Have a nice day!

I purchased the first level of every upgrade so no sorry I didn't get that far. I'll try and come back and play for a bit more tomorrow and let you know if I encounter the glitch. Have a nice day too!

Hey there again! I've just released a Shop Patch 1.1 that solves the crash problem upon purchasing second upgrade in a row. I've also scaled down prices so you can finally not only have all the upgrades, but don't waste a lifetime on affording them!

Thanks for your previous support. I'll be glad if you play the game again.