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aiming diagonally is mapped to Control ( maybe this gets rid of the jank and makes you give the game another shot :) , maybe ?) , and yes I should have had tutorials for keyboard controls  , I will add these in a improved version in the future . I also knew about the need for keyboard tutorials , but at this point in development the final boss was bugging out and there where still no credits . 

Should I have focused on accessability instead of adaptable music ? ... maybe , 

I  put the controls on the game page but I guess that is not obvious enough . 

For the idea with the mouse , I dont think this would work because of the way my aiming works in the game and a few abilities later on in the game . 

and for the second idea , thats how it works , just not the standing in place :) 

thanks for replying tho , and btw I did write a very detailed comment for your game , check it out if you want 


oh sick, I'm definitely gonna give the game another shot now, it seemed really well done. And hey, little improvements that you run out of time for, that's just a part of the fun of game jams!

I'll check out the aiming with control and reserve my judgement on the aiming until then, your control system is probably better than my idea

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Ok I gave it another shot and wow, I'm enjoying it a lot! I love metroidvanias and this one is no exception. I like the morph ball and how the map opens up more with each powerup. The cave area is also really cool and the music helps sell the change in scenery. You control scheme is definitely better than my suggestions, feels natural.  But uhhhh I'm at the part where you get the double jump and it doesn't seem to work when I press space twice, what's the key for that?

its A , you can look up all the controls on the game page , gut all the buttons you will ever need for abilities are WASD 

I m glad you are enjoying the game so far and btw you are currently not even 50 % into the game , there is a lot of content


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I ended up figuring it out by randomly mashing the keyboard LMAO. Looking at the controls was probably the better way of doing it though. I got thru the cave to the icey part, and I can say that I really appreciate the coyote time on the tunnel drone parts. The cave area is excellent and fun, and I appreciate the ability to explore for extra health pickups.

The icey Getting Over It part is very frustrating, which might very well be the intention. The higher jumps seemed so tight that you couldn't make them if you jump off the edge of the platform, you can only make them by abusing coyote time. That combined with the huge amount of backtracking you need to do each time you fail a jump makes it feel very discouraging. I feel like either tight jumps or losing all your progress on a failed jump can be fine, but the combination of both is kind of unfair. I'll have to come back to it later to try and beat it.

yeah getting over it was actually the inspiration for the mountains , but I don't think the jumps there are so tight that you have to use your coyote time , at least my little brother did not have to much issues , maybe you are missing something ?  

Your little brother is probably just better than me!

This is the part I was talking about, I finally made it but only because I waited until I was falling off the edge of the platform to jump

Now I am unsure of where to go next after I get the warp on top of the mountain. It seems to loop around to the start but I am not sure where I need to go to progress. Also is it possible to teleport between warps? I accidentally hit the cave warp when looking for where to go next

if you are on the top of the mountain where the checkpoint is , you just have to go left until you enter in the next area , and a small tip : 

try jumping as the morph drone to jump further 

Oh I see, I assumed it was down because I didn't see any platforms 

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Right, so I remembered I had already entered the purple area, but it seems to just go downwards until it turns into the first area. Here is the part I am talking about. When I went downwards and to the left from the place in the picture I ended up back at the start

yes the map loops into itself , now the game opens up a lot , there are a many secrets and new abilities hidden , just try exploring the old areas and memorize the map layout . 

I know that this part is very slow paced , but that's a design choice i intended , if you played hollow knight for instance , this would be the part after the city of tears , where the game lets you explore almost the whole map , it is the feeling of being lost in a unknown place and slowly figuring out where things are , its that part of a metroidvania I tried to replicate , it is my first one tho , so if you really cant find anything at all I will give you a hint .

but maybe this is just me and the being lost part is not enjoyable for most people and I'm just weird ..

ok sweet I'll get back to exploring! I think what makes that work in hollow knight is that there is a world map that allows the player to orient themselves and chart out where the next zones would be based on the open spaces on the map. But I really do respect that choice to have the game loop back again, now that I know I need to explore I will enjoy it a lot more! I do enjoy the exploration bit a lot and I think it's a good idea to have in the game! I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss a n exit or something and was running in circles. I think a small hint to the player that they are making progress would be beneficial though

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Thinking about it more, I think even extendind the purple area more, where the only area with grass is the original area the player was in, would help a lot with orienting the player and letting them know they are making progress. Also, got the wall climb and triple jump! Unfortunately, this patch of ground is bugged and causes the player to disappear and makes the menu not work either, forcing you to close and restart