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I like the game concept and it is well polished! The puzzles are well designed too. There were a few flaws that dampened my enjoyment of the game but they are all fixable if you continue development of the game. First off, the zoomed out map is a lot of visual clutter and tends to be overwhelming, especially when the playable area looks the same as the non-playable ones. Also, I wish there was more methods to mark the map. What I mean by this is I wish there was ways to put down notes on which arrows should be locked, which fruit are already collected with the path I have now, etc. Especially in the later levels with 3 zombies, it becomes very overwhelming and I found myself moving the arrows that I had already placed down for a certain path. This problem is also due to the fact that all of the arrows start on the board and you can't move them to the side to get them out of the way. Overall though good game had a lot of fun